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 Career Advice & Coaching Ireland - Helping You Develop Your Career 
July 27, 2024
1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support


Exceptional talent is difficult to find, attract and bond within an organisation.

The process of resourcing to meet organisational/team needs is exceptionally challenging when determining who is best suited and will 'fit in' while at the same time have the capacity to complete the required role functionally.

The process is aided by a simple approach
  • Definition: What is required?
  • Source: Where are the most likely candidates?
  • Reach: How do we gain access directly or indirectly?
  • Engage: Can we involve key candidates and gain interest in the role?
  • Verify: Is the information provided correct?
  • Hire: What is the best offer or negotiation position?
Career Stages provides meaningful insights when embarking on resourcing strategies.

Our involvement at an early stage will help focus on the correct "face, fit and functional" characteristics of potential candidates to ensure successful transition into the organisation.

Our process will assist at the definition, engagement and verification stages objectively.

Career Stages' profiling tools, while not selection tools, will provide a framework for discussion at final interview stage. When coupled with an understanding of the proposed team or organisational environment these tools focus the resourcing decision making process.


Business Solutions

Bespoke Outplacement, Change Facilitation and Organisational Development for Businesses Undergoing Transition.

Have a look around our site and contact us with your specific requirements.

» Change Management
» Change Planning
» Career Management
» Career Coaching
» Staff Development
» Executive Mentoring
» Inplacement Services
» Outplacement Services
» Career Profiling
» Resourcing
» Workplace Design

Further Information

Contact us directly


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