Shopping Cart

Return to Career Store"); } else { ?> Here are the contents of your shopping cart.

Item Description Price Action"); $subtotal=0; foreach($_SESSION["cart"] as $pid => $qty) { //echo "Item $pid is in your cart $qty time(s).
\n"; $sql="SELECT * FROM products,categories where products.catid=categories.catid and pid='$pid'"; $res=mysql_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $category=$row["category"]; $name=$row["name"]; $shortdesc=$row["shortdesc"]; $price=$row["price"]; printf(" ".$name." ".nl2br(stripslashes($shortdesc))." Eur%.2f Remove", $price); $subtotal+=$price; } printf(" Total excl. VAT: Eur%.2f ", $subtotal); printf(" Total incl. VAT: Eur%.2f ", pricewithvat($subtotal)); echo(" 
[ Continue Shopping | Proceed to Checkout ]
"); } // end if ?>