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 Career Advice & Coaching Ireland - Helping You Develop Your Career 
July 27, 2024
1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support


Career Profiling

Career Stages utilises some of the worlds foremost work based profiling tools.

These tools offer insights on a personal, team and organisational level and are used to inform on a variety of issues.

The most effective and advanced tools available

The tools are easy to use, create highly accurate feedback, are British Psychological Society (BPS) supported, and administered according to strict ethical guidelines by fully accredited professional facilitators. The profiles are available online and off and are highly practical. They are utilised by some of the worlds foremost and most successful companies as well as small to medium enterprises and individuals.

A complete and powerful picture of an organisation

The tools applied assist personal, team and organisational development whatever the background or requirement. Through these tools individuals and teams gain self-awareness insight, access to improved communication and influencing skills, an appreciation and self-awareness as viewed objectively, clarity in relationships, exceptional career reviewing and planning tools, an understanding of personal group and organisational strengths and weaknesses and avenues toward conflict resolution, problem solving and decision making.

Determining Preferences

Through these profiles Career Stages is able to determine individual work preferences and team role preferences for individuals and groups. Such diagnostics can be applied when recruiting, restructuring, developing and re-organising organisations to more effectively meet the needs of the future.

Benefits to the organisation

A variety of profiles allow us to understand the work based values of individuals and organisations and how these motivate actions. These tools are extremely beneficial where cultural change issues are to the fore. The profiles also assist in understanding how organisations and individuals view change, opportunity and uncertainty, risk and encompass past, present and future into seeing and responding to situations.

Multi-Rater Tools

Several multi-rater tools allow powerful 360° views of individuals, teams and organisations as a whole. Clearly useful in performance related areas, these tools provide rich internal audit information and assist in moving teams and individuals forward.

Career Stages' profiling tools are supported by extensive specific norm data by profession, industry, country, gender, etc and extensive feedback documents are provided to users. Facilitated feedback provides a comprehensive understanding of comparisons with MBTI, Belbin, 16PF and Emotional Intelligence.


Business Solutions

Bespoke Outplacement, Change Facilitation and Organisational Development for Businesses Undergoing Transition.

Have a look around our site and contact us with your specific requirements.

» Change Management
» Change Planning
» Career Management
» Career Coaching
» Staff Development
» Executive Mentoring
» Inplacement Services
» Outplacement Services
» Career Profiling
» Resourcing
» Workplace Design

Further Information

Contact us directly


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