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 Career Advice & Coaching Ireland - Helping You Develop Your Career 
July 27, 2024
1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support


Inplacement Services
Change processes involve adjustments to organisation, team and individual roles. Such processes are among the most stressful experiences individuals and organisations go through and it is important that, where the change involved is internal, there is assistance at hand to lead, communicate, coach and generally provide support.

Professional inplacement transitions supported by Career Stages enable such changes to occur smoothly while ensuring the organisation's human resources are aligned. These processes involve a high degree of coaching and independent facilitation as new roles are facilitated.

Inplacement processes may involve aspects of:
  • Program development dedicated to each case
  • Work System design workshops
  • Involvement Processes
  • Awareness & behavioural processes
  • Inplacement Workshops
  • Communication processes
  • Profiling processes for team and individual including 3600 feedback processes
  • Individual and team coaching
  • Confidential 1:1 coaching
  • Personal insight processes
  • Developmental training and competency development processes
  • Career management coaching
  • Competency alignment processes
  • Upskilling processes
  • Delegation enhancement processes
  • Mentoring and relationship processes
  • Conflict management processes
  • Shadowing and development processes
  • High performance team development
  • Sustainable improvement processes
  • Support network
  • Crisis support
  • Employee assistance processes
  • Stress management
  • Tools for change
  • 24.7.365 support
Career Stages works sensitively with all levels of an organisation applying the utmost professional and ethical standards. Our services apply to management groups, chief executives and senior executives, senior managers, teams, and individuals.


Business Solutions

Bespoke Outplacement, Change Facilitation and Organisational Development for Businesses Undergoing Transition.

Have a look around our site and contact us with your specific requirements.

» Change Management
» Change Planning
» Career Management
» Career Coaching
» Staff Development
» Executive Mentoring
» Inplacement Services
» Outplacement Services
» Career Profiling
» Resourcing
» Workplace Design

Further Information

Contact us directly


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